Jasna Stojić Brezak, Prim, MD Affiliation: Hospital’s transplantation coordinator Clinical Hospital Center Zagreb, Head of the Department for coordination of transplantations and explantations of Clinical Hospital Center, Zagreb, Croatia Topic: Fifty-year experience of transplantations in Croatia Biography: I was born […]
Marina Ratković MD, PhD Kidney transplants expert, Podgorica, Montenegro National transplant coordinator 2012-2019 Member of ERA-EDTA (European Renal Association-European Dialysis Transplantation Association). Moderator of transplanation session Affiliation: Head of the clinic for nephrology and division of kidney transplants of the […]
Affilation: prim. Ina Filipovic-Grcic, M.D Senior Consultant in Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care Department of Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care University Hospital Centre Split, Croatia Topic: Anaesthesia tips in pediatric liver transplantation Biography: Prim. Ina Filipović-Grčić, M.D. is a Consultant […]
Affiliations: Assist Prof Marko Zdravkovic President of Slovenian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Medicine University Medical Centre Maribor, Slovenia Faculty of Medicine University of Maribor, Slovenia Faculty of Medicine University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Topic: All in versus tailored anaesthetic management in […]
Saša Radović, MD Institute for Children’s’ Diseases, Clinical center of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro Topic: Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy in pediatric population: surgical aspect Affiliation: Institute for Children’s’ Diseases, Pediatric Surgery Clinical Centre of Montenegro Biography: Specialty in pediatric surgery, Subspeciality of […]
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