Honorary member of EAMS (European Airway Management Society) www.eamshq.net
ESA and EAMS instructor for cricothyroidotomy
Member of ESJV (European Society of Jet Ventilation) www.esjv.org
Personal Statement.
Special interest: AIRWAY Management, Pre-operative assessment, Mechanical ventilation, High Frequency Jet Ventilation.
Professional experience in Anaesthesia for ENT surgery, Head and Neck surgery, Maxillofacial surgery, Thyroid and Parathyroid surgery, Functional Endoscope Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, General surgery, Pediatric (airway) surgery.
Courses and Conferences.
As Speaker and tutor at International Scientific Events
Since 2009, involved as Tutor and Instructor for surgical cricothyrotomy, as a part of Difficult Airway Management Workshop, at PROPOSED by John Henderson, ( 2008 – Milan; 2009 – Kopenhagen; 2010 – Helsinki; 2011 – Amsterdam; 2012 – Paris;2013 – Barcelona; 2014 – Stockholm; 2015 – Berlin; 2016 – London) which is being held within ESA Annual Meetings.
The certificate holder “Master Airway Management” (ESA, Barcelona ,2013.)
Course leader, in the continuing medical education (CME) of “Difficult Airway Management” at the Medical Faculty in Novi Sad (Serbia) supported by EAMS ( European Airway Management Society) since 2008;
Involved in planing and organisation the first Airway meetings supported by EAMS in the period 2008-20012 in Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Croation, Albania..
invited speaker at SHFJV( SupraImpose High Frequency Jet Ventilation) Workshop Vienna ( organized by C. Reiner);
Invited Speaker and Faculty at many Airway Management Courses (supported by EAMS) in surrounding countries: Montenegro, Macedonia, Romania, Croatia, Albania, Turkey, Austria, etc.;
Since 2016. involved in Advance Cadaveric Airway Course, Medical faculty, Ankara, Turkey, as tutor ( instructor) for “Emergency front-of-neck access” which is includes:
1.Surgical crycothyroidotomy
scalpel –bougie –tube technique
placement of wide–bore cuffed tube through the crycothyroid membrane
2.Needle crycothyroidotomy
kink-resistant cannula Ravussin
Ogranization of major national scientific meetings.
Professional membership
- Board member of EAMS ( European Airway Management Society) from 2012 to 2016;
- Member of EAMS Advisory Committee (European Airway Management Society) since 2016.
- Since 2006. Council member of Serbia in EAMS ( European Airway Management Society) (eamshg.net);
- ESJV (esjv.org), member since 2005
- Bord member of Section for Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Therapy, Serbian Medical , since 2006.
- President of Active for airway, Section for Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Therapy since 2012;