NGO “Montenegrin Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care” is a non-governmental professional association of professionals in the field of anesthesiology and intensive care from Montenegro.
Montenegrin Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
Ljubljanska bb
81000 Podgorica
Prijavite se na našu mailing listu. Šaljemo samo najvažnije informacije. Jednom mjesečno, na Vaš mejl.
The Proceeding Book of the Congress is available on this link (PDF). You can send comments about your work in the proceeding to
Zbornik radova sa kongresa je dostupan na ovom linku (PDF). Komentare u vezi Vašeg rada u zborniku možete poslati na
Svi sertifikati su dostavljeni putem emaila. *Ukoliko niste primili sertifikat, molimo Vas da nam javite na
All certificates were delivered via email. *If you have not received the certificate, please let us know at